Click on images to start Downloading.

Meshes are for personal use only and not to be used for commercial purposes.

4.94 MB

Enterprise refit NCC-1701-A is in LW format only. There are now some textures included and a reference image. I got the other textures from here and from Star Trek Meshes, so they aren't mine to give, but you can freely download them from there as I did. You might even find a better model there than mine. But that is for you to decide :-D. I did this to have fun and to practice and did not even look at anyone else's models, other than the 'real' thing the Starship Modelers created with their hands and their shop tools. And maybe best are the Bridge Commander Files with textures.For the details I used the reference I linked on the image page.

2.05 MB LW Workerbee 008 from somewhere in the Star Trek Universe. There are two reference images in there that I used for my models. Have fun. I had used them to add a little to the drydock image.
192 KB
LW Workerbee 007 from somewhere in the Star Trek Universe. There are two reference images in there that I used for my models. Have fun. I had used them to add a little to the drydock image.
1.08 MB LW Star Wars Speederbike. I want one.
1.38 MB LW Luke's Skywalker's T-16 Skyhopper, the one he used in Beggar's Canyon
1.05 MB LW Go ahead, animate him and let me see. The Star Wars Storm Trooper





R2D2 (Updated 20 Aug 2006) and his buddy, a red Astromech

Note: All maps and textures are either included or part of LW 3D content

All parts for the "rolling" (3-legged) configuration are in the file. All you do is set a 15 degree rotation for body and head, and drop the center leg/foot (included), and rotate the main legs in the opposite direction a little.


Trooper figure is a mildly accessorized and leg-less Poser guy.

Click here for detailed image


The maps included in the file (Feb 2006) are only those I actually used.

There is a door-up and a door-down layer, and a bottom access ramp up and down layer.

Note: The original sandcrawler was changed in E2.


Battlestar Galactica classic Viper - to download mesh, click on image.

Hull bumpmap included, all other textures are procedurals and p/o LW 6/7/8

for additional images click here

1.35 MB LW The new Viper from the BSG series
1.53 MB LW Star Gate items that work great in more distant views
554 KB

NASA Space Shuttle Mesh:

My Shuttle Images made with this mesh may serve as an example. It's just a simple

mesh you may refine, embellish, and texture any way you see fit.

Here is a LW scene file for the little scene setup in the picture.

NOTE: Wing decals can be cut from the side decals.

1.1 MB
LW At last, using Stuart Rowbottom's original Jeep (issue 28

Magazine) as an inspiration, I modeled my own.

Not easy, but here it is for you to download & study.

Variants: Metallic Blue & Tomb Raider-like  (cel-shaded).
50 KB
LW This actually takes you to a Spider tutorial as well as a small download. I used the same mesh with small modifications for my two spider-related images:
Warriors, and Spider.



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