Notes from a Presentation by Chris Kresser:
LDL Cholesterol is not evil
* LDL is like a taxi service ensuring that nutrients get to where they're needed
* LDL is important for immunity
* Cholesterol is the precursor to all hormones
* Converts UV light into vitamin D
* Needed to make myelin sheath (insulation around neurons)
* Precursor to neurotransmitters - mood regulator
* Is an antioxidant
So, too high (250-275 = high) is just as bad as too low, cholesterol. LDL only becomes problematic when it sticks around too long and oxydizes.
Cholesterol Readings can vary for no reason at all, and do:
statistical uncertainty is 17mg/dl
Total Cholesterol can vary 35mg/dl in either direction for no reason at all, even w/o any dietary changes
What does that mean? Like BP, the cholesterol levels are anything but fixed and change all of the time. You could, for example, have one cholesterol check reading 130mg/dl and a week later a reading of 230mg/dl for no reason at all other than normal variance and test uncertainty. This would be almost a worst-case scenario and most likely seldom if ever encountered. However, you could easily see a 10-30 point swing in either direction and all the doctor can/should do in such a case is to order a re-test. A 'good' and reliable cholesterol level would actually have to be based on a number of tests and be averaged out. Having them taken once a year is hardly good enough for a reliable assessment.
Variability = how much these levels may move around in the course of hours and days:
* HDL variability: 10mg/dl
* LDL variability: 30mg/dl
* Triglyceride variability: 40mg/dl
* Total Cholesterol/HDL variability: 0.8
Good ratio is less than 3 (Total Cholesterol/HDL) and excellent would be less than 2
What Chris Kresser recommends for cholesterol management:
* consume high-antioxidant foods
* Low polyunsaturate fat intake
* Exercise
* Stress management (meditation, yoga, to name two)
Chris Kresser's Website (click) |