The fortress above the trade center ruins of Apamea
This spectacular place, also at times pronounced 'Afamea',was a grand market site where caravans from all over the region would come and bring their wares. Merchants had shops behind and between these columns, which were connected by canvas to shade the shoppers from the sun. .
Cardo shop signs, so that customers knew what was being peddled here
What services were offered or what was being sold was carved on the overhang that connected the columns. Today, after ISIS had held it for a while, the entire landscape surrounding these columns looks like is was cratered by bombs. They excavated as much as they could to sell their antique finds on the black market to finance their operations..
I have never seen columns carved like this anywhere else
Temple of Zeus, or what's left of it
A Roman Villa near Apamea
It's been years, but I think this was a temple dedicated to Athena, but I might be wrong. It was a temple for a Greek goddess, of that I am certain
A Roman Villa near Apamea


Nomads, camp in background
Nomads who live in tents and move around. No telling of their fate these days, between Syrians fighting their repressive and murderous government, ISIS, Muslim Extremists, such as Al Qaida, the brutal Russian dumping endless tonnage of all types of bombs, and the Iranians. The latter two in support of Bashir Assad's government.


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