bus terminal, also cabs to Lebanon, not far from Sultan Hotel
The Damascus long range taxis. The largest fleet of US automobiles in the Middle East. They loved all things American (too bad we let them down and opened the doors for the Extremists, the Russian, and the Iranians)
Local Bus
Damascus Hills from top of my hotel
Almost the same picture taken day and night from the roof of the hotel
excellent street food
She was in charge, Syria is more modern than I had expected
Just as in Egypt, natural redheads can be seen
An American in Damascus - he says temporary only
This is an American-Syrian in Damascus. He wanted his son to learn the country of his ancestors. He had a convenience store in Damascus. He should be fine in that central location. What I did observe, there and in Palmyra, were local cops just walking in, taking items from the shelves and leaving without paying. It's the way it is in a police state. They have the guns and the power of the government behind them.
some government offices (L) main street
gravestone carver quarter
Carvers of headstones. I can imagine that they are doing a windfall business these days


Hid his face, trade is illegal
Turning away from the camera. I was told later that it was illegal to kill and sell these birds.

For the incredibly long and convoluted history of this city click here: Damascus

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