Siggraph 2010



One of the fine people from Future Publishing selling 3D Word and imagine FX subs
Three monitor excitment in a racing simulator
Brave soul entertaining us all with a daring mechanical bull ride for a prize
Tom, owner and top representative of 3D Total
Lovely artist demonstrating ArtRage 3 software on a WACOM Cintique tablet
What used to be an almost men-only world, with the booth babes being about the only, although usually gorgeous, representatives of the opposite sex, is now a nearly unisex experience. This is the Pixar line.
Popular Poser among the Smithmicro offerings never failing to appear and please
Artist competitions, ever popular, and in the past, with lovely live models, sadly, totally absent in 2012
The widely known and much loved Ami Chopine, author and Vue artist at work
A very cool demo. What's on the monitor is what was running in front of your feet



Objet 3D Printing Over the Top





One of the excellent ZBrush artists and instructors demonstrating ZBrush 4 to an ever packed booth


Two outstanding 3D prints created by ZBrush artists


3D Home