Göbekli Tepe



We have the Bull, Fox, and the Crane on this pillar



Steles in the outer circle, again with the fox carved on there
The kid who acted as guard, who screamed nearly apoplectic for help when I removed the gate and walked on the wooden circular walk, almost had a stroke, when I moved to step on the walk leading to the second smaller circle of columns. I didn't, after all.


The B&W image shows the edge carvings a little clearer, IMO
The Fox featured very prominently among those people, 11000 years ago


This one shows a net used to catch a mammal
The roof protected some of the excavations. I stuck my camera in there on time exposure. My eyes saw nothing


Time exposure just barely shows a carving. I reposotioned myself andI tried again...


..and I can now see a ferocious leaping animal


This appears to be the 'net of snakes' they were talking about on one of the information panels



Some of the high relief carved columns have been taken away and protected in town.

Replicas shown in Urfa give an indication of what they recovered and for 11000 years in the past, that is extremely sohisticated work


Turkey 2011

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