Belgrade, Serbia
Hadjuk Velojkov Venac 4/1
ph. +381113614009
The hotel was difficult to find and it took a while of wandering around and finally asking a man who was running a food kiosk, to get me pointed into the right direction. The problem was that I left the station, as most people do, out the front door. The secret to get to this place unerringly and simply is to get off the train, get on the platform closest to the station exit, and walk back the way the train came. On your left side you will see the long building and the entrance. I arrived late at night. It was cold and miserable, and walking right up to the place, I saw no sign. There is a restaurant, rapsody or something like that, next to it, and all you do is this: If you happen to leave the main station toward the street, turn immediately right, walk past the post office (lots of yellow trucks), and you will get to this restaurant, the only one there, walk though the gate, make a left turn and walk between the large building and the restaurant back toward the railroad tracks, and look left and you will see the awning over the glass entrance doors. Location is in the eye of the beholder, and you can bet there are nicer hotels, for more money, much further from the main station. I wanted what I got, to be close to the reailroad station. In fact, you are almost right there. Extremely convenient. The rooms were efficient but the bathroom had a few minor plumbing surprises in the unit I got. I slept well, window open. Breakfast was fine, but too salty for me. You can ask for the yogurt and coffee and you'll be ok. There is a bakery amost right across the street, toward the left side, downstairs from the sidewalk. The staff was excellent and very helpful. The personnel of the Laundy next door were above reproach. Not only inexpensive, but when I said that I was leaving earlier than expected, they really got the job done fast and good. When I left the guesthouse to continue by train, I had it figured out. I walked out the door, turned right, and just walked along the tracks and suddenly I was at the main station. Very, very convenient. |