

Being not the one to cruise the malls of Dubai and luxuriate in fashionable airconditioned splendor, I was very happy to hear of the technical exhibition by the airport. It required taking one metro line to the final station, always cool, and then jamming into buses packed like sardine cans with geeks and nerds. It was a great relief from me to discover that regardless of where you go, those people exist, provided there were computers, and that the all seem to have the same characteristics. A global brotherhood (and sisterhood), so to speak. The guys, shy, loving women but they are not usually part of their binary/digital world, as everywhere at computer shows, are putty in the hands of the 'booth babes', as we call them. I needed to be there to buy some more memory cards, since after Afghanistan, I was just about fresh out.


It's really that clean there. I think a train just left, you can see it behind the enclosure, and everyone left. I was late for this one


Putty in her hands, too, but then, I really needed those Sandisk HD modules for my camera





Waiting for the shuttle bus, but being Muslim, out here, back in the real world, it's women and men separated again



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