A complex of villages at the northern edge of Kabul Province


This is a large collection of sometimes interlocked villages and structures, once heavily destroyed and looted, reoccupied and mostly rebuilt after the Taliban left. There was a command center of Massoud here as well. The creek that is the source of water is, at the end of summer, running fairly low but in spring can be quite substantial. A fertile area that produces enough to support itself and sells much of their excess to Kabul.


Let's start with some gas, pumped by this friendly attendant, who also checks oil and anything you might need
Where people ride
Everyone lived




The Villages


Entering the outskirts of the village complex
He carries his little kitchen on his head and in this somewhat recreational area sells some wraps that he prepares - good, too




Massoud's former command center
The bag, and you'll see them everywhere, permits the liquid to be removed from the milk. This is their yogurt base







Our driver, an UN intern from Norway, Bjorg, who stayed at the same guesthouse, and me, with two village elders. Bjorg, who had spent all his time at the guesthouse or the office, was so happy when I arrived and instigated all of the sightseeing events


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