Trinity Arch Hotel
46-49 Dame Street, Dublin
2, Ireland
Tel: +35 31 67 94 455
Trinity Arch Hotel's Website
In 2001 about $66/night, incl. breakfast.
For best results use the very helpful and money-saving Latebreaks
Ireland Hotel Finder
Latebreaks people did a great job finding a hotel where another hotel finder failed.
Don't do it on your own, because it will probably cost more. Also, that service
finds a hotel for your even if most of them are full, as they often are in Dublin.
Lots of Londoners seem to come here on weekends to party. Ryan Air is an inexpensive
no-frills connection from nearly anywhere in England. I connected from Glasgow.
The hotel is a very short walk away from a huge tourist center, sits atop a
bar, and is as close to the center of Dublin as you want to be. The Trinity
College and the precious Book of Kells is but a short walk from the hotel, just
left up Dame Street. The big tourist information and tours center is up an alley
across from the hotel (bear left), where there is also a Post Office. The railroad
station, however, is a long, long walk along the river and best reached by bus
or cab. They serve a nice breakfast, though I would race across the busy street
each morning into an Asian-owned and operated convenience store and get my non-fat
milk there. The rooms are ok, and the location is great.