

Hotel Anker

Storgata 55 01 82
Oslo, N-0506, Norway

Best Western Anker_Hotel

or go to the Best Western homesite

$77 per night back then - off season prices are still around there. Large breakfast buffet included.

Expensive, but not bad. However, it may be the most reasonable acceptable place in town, and for those who want to "rough it", they have a student hotel portion, that they open for part of the year for a lot less and with fewer conveniences. Located two or three tram stops from the station, and in acceptable walking distance from town, though the trams and buses go everywhere and cabs are not very expensive either. It's large and caters to the usual package-tourist groups. Bus-loads of them, but fun to chat with. A laundry place exists a good distance away from the hotel, across from the graveyard where Ibsen is buried. Food stores are around the station area, where there are some great malls and shops, as well as gobs of restaurants. Do not miss out on the lovely trip to the other side of the bay to the Oseberg and Gokstad Viking ship museum. It is just one of three nice museums on that side of the bay. Another cool thing to do is to go to Flom and take the Flomsbana, a train through a picturesque fjord, at the bottom of which you can go via cruiseship to Bergen and then return by train to Oslo the following day. It's called Norway in a Nutshell and advertised in the train station. For gym-rats and especially members of 24HR Fitness, there is an excellent 24HR Fitness gym atop a building right near the main station.


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