Kotor, Montenegro 2011

Early in the morning, then, I decided it's time to hustle up the mountain to the fortress. The problem is that I did not follow recommendations by several locals. Mainly, because I saw, in my meandering around the area, a backdoor path leading up to the castle that would not be clobbered with tourists. But wait! I'm off season. True, I forgot. So up I went and the only thing I saw was animal droppings and a farm, once I got up there to a fork in the road. Still, it was a legitimate hiking path, except that to get into the castle, you have to perform a special little task, as you will see.


So it begins


There was an old, now devestated, village up here




Are you getting the idea? I am on the wrong side of the walls and somehow need to find a way through or over them
No problem. All I needed to do was to negotiate this slope and get to the opening, then edge....




....carefully along the wall and above the drop, that goes a long way down a very steep slope to deter invaders, step on the stone under the window and crawl through.



As soon as I bellied through I realized what I had missed.



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Montenegro 2011

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