Mostar, Bosnia & Herzogovina 2011


I was not about to skip the town with the bridge that I had seen in the news, years ago, now that I was in the Balkan. So, on I went to Mostar, a neat little place and even getting there was interesting.


We're looking at the short coastline of Bosnia i Herzogovina, wedged between Montenegro and Croatia


Then it was time to turn inland and head up the mountains to Mostar


A cool old watchtower along one of those canals.



A newer bridge in Mostar, viewed from the old one
And there is the news-worthy and photogenic old bridge up close.
Just something I found visually interesting





The trees tell the story of time passing since the war
A new large church to take care of the Christian population


Walking across the historic bridge. There used to be a rope suspended bridge that swayed and scared the merchants who had to cross it. Thus, over 400 years ago they built this one.
Like much of the Balkan after the breakup of Yugoslavia, war broke out. It hit this little place with ferocity and many war damaged buildings remain in town and the rest of the countryside.


Quite possibly my favorite fruit in existence.


Bosnia & Herzogovina 2011

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